Saturday, December 26, 2015

5th graders


Just a quick reminder that our first day of ice skating is Thursday, January 7th 

Have a wonderful vacation with your families!

Miss Govoni

Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 2015 -- 2016

Hello Pine Glenners,

Now that we are all back in the swing of things here are some things to remember:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember your sneakers on your gym days :-)

5th Grade students will be doing our 2016 Ice Skating Program with me at the beginning of the New Year.  I have been explaining to the kids that they should not expect their parents to go out and buy a brand new pair of skates, rather to let you know in case you see a pair at a yard sale, etc.....The dates are Thursdays, Jan 7th, 14, 21, 28 and Feb 4th.  When the time comes i will be asking for volunteers, so please make sure to attend one of  Mr. Lyons' volunteer training at some point-----and don't forget to update your CORI if need be.

Field Day June 2016 is scheduled for Friday June, 3rd with a rain date of Friday, June 10th..........If you plan on volunteering, please be sure to attend one of Mr. Lyons' confidentiality meetings AND have an updated CORI (they are good for 3 years).

Don't forget to bring in your Campbell's--Soup for Education labels........... we use the points to buy recess equipment.  The drop off container is near the front office.

I'm looking forward to another wonderful year  :-)

Ms. Govoni
Physical Education